Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Listening Equals Learning

"It turns out that mere exposure makes an enormous contribution to how musical competence develops." -researchers at the University of AmsterdamIn Kindermusik class, we tell parents that simply having their child in an interactive musical environment has huge impact.

This impact usually goes well beyond what we are seeing in class. (For example, a child may initially be shy about singing in class. At home, however, she will sing the class songs all the time! We know she's learning and abosorbing). Recent research backs up what we have known and seen for years. According to researchers at the University of Amsterdam (2008), there is evidence that some musical capabilities are developed just by being exposed to music, especially music of the listener’s preferred genre. And we can tell you that Kindermusik kids LOVE their Kindermusik music. (And most parents are closet fans too!)When it comes to music, listening equals learning. Most parents instinctively recognize the power of music and want to do all they can to foster their child’s musical interests and development. One of the easiest things you can do is surround your child with an active musical environment. Kindermusik International’s experience over the past 30 years has shown that for young children –- baby, toddler, preschooler, or big kid -- there’s no better way to listen and learn than with us!

Check out Kindermusik Play, our new e-music site to preview and download some of our music. Have a listen with your kids. They'll be learning!To check out the research, click here.

From ScienceDaily (Aug. 13, 2008): Researchers at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have demonstrated how much the brain can learn simply through active exposure to many different kinds of music. "More and more labs are showing that people have the sensitivity for skills that we thought were only expert skills," Henkjan Honing (UvA) explains.

Monday, April 19, 2010

EM Street Fair

Each Spring our great city of Eagle Mountain does a street fair for all the local business owners. I get to set up a booth and share the joys and benefits of Kindermusik with our community. I'm a little nervous as this will be my first big public push for enrollment, but I am super excited as well!

Please come out and support all the great, talented people in our area trying to be successful at their business. My booth will have a bean bag toss for the kiddos and I'll be handing out lots of fun toys and treats as well. I hope to sign up students for my summer camps that will begin on June 16th. Come out and see me!!