Monday, August 2, 2010

Fall Schedule

It's hard to believe that school will start in only a few weeks. It's hard to believe it's time to start thinking of your child's extra-curricular activities for after school. It shouldn't be hard however to.....sign up for Kindermusik!!

I will be offering a Young Child (5-7 year old) class on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 beginning September 7th. The Young Child curriculum prepares children who are eager for their first experiences with musical symbols and instrument discovery but may not yet be ready for formal lessons and traditional music reading with an instrument.
* Singing and vocal development. It may sound like a foreign language when your child sings “ta” and “ti-ti,” but he’s using the language of professional musicians and composers and getting ready to read and write simple rhythm patterns.
* Movement. You’ll see your child dance expressively to music, giving him the practice he needs to coordinate his body movements to the sound of music. This kind of musical play not only improves musicianship, but his physical coordination as well.
* Reading and writing. He’ll learn melodic notation and identify pitches such as the C, A, and D notes on the treble clef, plus rhythmic notation. Eventually he’ll even compose his own music.
* Focused listening. Your child will learn to identify a range of orchestra instruments and their sound qualities, while also gaining an early awareness and knowledge of composers and masterworks in Western arts tradition.
* Exploring and playing musical instruments. Authentic percussion, string, pre-keyboard, and woodwind instruments expose your child to the many choices for future musical study, and at the same time provide your child with the opportunity to musically succeed before taking on more formal instruction.
I've taught private and group piano lessons for over 5 years now and love, love, love this foundational musical education that Kindermusik provides for our budding musicians. This class is $225-I know the sticker shock on that is bad but let me explain a little. There are 15 1-hour classes for $10 each (this is cheaper than a private 30 minute instrument lesson). The remaining costs are supplies. Your child will recieve a few books, folders, stickers, musical games, CD's, and a high quality instrument (semester 1 is a glockenspiel).

I will also have an Imagine That! (3-5 year old) class on Tuesdays at 10:15 and 1:15 for 45 minutes beginning September 7th. Imagine That! classes encourage socialization, sharing, and participating in group activities. Using the power of music, Kindermusik’s Imagine That! taps into your preschooler’s creative spirit and boundless energy and focuses on developing his learning strengths and self-confidence so he’ll be ready for school, prepared for future music lessons…or able to leap tall buildings.
* Pretend Play. Pretend play activities are integrated with music, vocal development, storytelling, listening, movement and literacy aspects of each class. When based upon a child’s real life experiences, pretend play helps develop language, sensory, motor and cognitive skills.
* Musical Variety and Singing. Activities include a mixture of musical genres and styles and provide a setting for your child to explore his many voices and to use a “singing voice.” Singing helps with memory and recall, physical development, creativity and socialization.
* Storytelling and Literacy. Each class is built on the development of a story, so you’ll hear preschoolers search for the word to say what they mean and try to keep up with their busy minds, emerging wants, needs, likes, and dislikes.
* Parent Involvement. Preschoolers are learning to be self-sufficient in a group setting of peers, while many times still needing the emotional security provided by a parent. He’ll experience both in Imagine That! Caregivers participate in the last 10-15 minutes of class. Plus the At Home Materials ensures the learning continues at home with your child’s best teacher—you! You will receive a book, CD's, 2 instruments, a pretend play component, and a family activty book. This course is 14 1-hour classes and is $175 for the materials and class.

Last but not least, I'll have a Family Time (newborn-7 years old) class on Friday mornings at 10:15 for 45 minutes beginning September 10th. Family Time brings adults and children of all ages together, providing a dynamic and integrated musical learning experience for everyone.
* Singing. From the first “Hello” song to the last “Goodbye,” exploring a variety of musical styles and genres leads children to find their own voice. Plus singing helps with memory and recall, physical development, creativity, and socialization.
* Assorted Movement. Whether moving as a family, as a class, or as individuals, Family Time movement activities enhance coordination skills, create opportunities for imitation and exploration, and give everyone something to smile, rock, bounce, or dance about.
* Story Time. Reading aloud to children stimulates their curiosity, expands their knowledge, and broadens their understanding of language.
Family Jam Children (and adults) will love selecting a unique instrument and joining in one big class jam session each week.
* Musical Concepts. Fun engaging activities bring out the musicality in everyone, from the youngest member of the family to the oldest. Together you’ll learn more about music as you learn more about each other.
* Expert advice. A Kindermusik educator explains how our musically based activities enhance your child’s complete development.
Learning continues at home. With the home materials, the learning continues at home with your child’s best teacher—you! This class is 10 1-hour classes with At Home Materials including 2 books, 2 CD's, and 2 instruments for $150.

There is a $5 discount for signing up before August 14th so take advantage! Please feel free to call or email me with questions. I look forward to seeing you and your kiddos soon.