It's that time of year we all look forward to right? School starts :)
It's also a stressful time when we put together our kids schedules and plan our families extra curricular activities. I know there are a lot of options out there for you so let me share just a little of the benefits of the KindermusikProgram. Music and movement are magical ingredients to learning for both parent and child. A baby’s first communication is through movement. A toddler will respond immediately to lively music with what seems to be humorous movements but to him are quite serious attempts to coordinate movement with rhythmic patterns. The young child seems to be moving constantly – leaping off couches, rolling down hills, and spinning around and around until she falls down in a giggling flop on the floor.
Our brains fully develop through movement activities such as crawling, rolling, turning, walking, skipping, reaching, swinging and much more. The brain has a plan for development that involves specific and intensive motor activities to make full use of our complicated nervous system. The nervous system of each human being must go through a series of developmental stages before the brain can operate at its full potential. All children “program” their motor and perceptual equipment, nerves and brain cells by using their whole body and all their senses. Seeing, hearing, feeling music are all wonderful ways to learn!
Movement is fundamental for the development of the central nervous system but movement and rhythm are also essential for the development of the soul. When a parent moves with her infant, a special bonding takes place that is extremely important for social and emotional growth. When a parent sings to her child, not only are language skills being developed, but also a sense of love, comfort and harmony. The special touching, laughing and rhythmic moving that takes place in a music and movement class lays a very strong and much needed foundation for a happy, healthy and joyful life!
Below is a list of my upcoming class schedule. I am due to have baby #4 the end of September so that is why the schedule is a little abnormal this time around. Thanks for you patience as we welcome another little one into our family. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions:
Family Time Make Way for Music (moms and kids up to 5)
Tuesday August 14-Sept 11 (then a break for baby girl to come) Nov 6-Dec 4 10am 45 minute classes
This is one of my favorite curriculums. The kids are introduced to each family of music ie brass, percussion, string, wind etc all through moving and singing and dancing with you! They love it and it's a great introduction to their musical interests. This class is 10 total classes, books, CD's, instruments and games to keep at home and is $120 for the whole family.
Sounds Abound (3-5 yrs old)
Tuesday August 14-Sept 11 at 11 am 45 minute classes
This is a great class that is on a trial run to go Digital! That's right instead of getting a book and CD you will receive a code to download the music and books and recipes and activities and craft ideas and so much more great information. There is still an option for an instrument (for an additional $5.50). This class is only $30 since you will be my guinea pigs with the digital materials. :)
Cock-a-doodle-Moo (moms and babies up to age 2ish)
Wednesday August 22nd-Sept 12th (then a break for baby girl to come) Nov 7-Dec 5 10 am for 45 minutes
This was the first class I took with my little guy almost 6 years ago. It is so fun to see these little ones respond and learn to the power of music. We do a lot of simple steady beat exercises mixed with sign language. This class is 8 classes, book, CD's, and instruments for $90.
Young Child (5-6 yrs old)
Wednesday August 15-Sept 12th (then a break for baby girl to come) Nov 7-Dec 12th 4pm for 50 minutes
This is the first of a 4 semester class for your budding musician. Not quite ready to sit still for a 30 minute private instrument lesson this is a great transition period for them to still learn to read music, increase hand eye coordination, learn musical concepts and contrasts and build their music education so when they are 7ish they are ready to learn to play any instrument because they already know music! This class is 12 classes, books, CDs, games, glockenspiel and carrying bag for $195.
Young Child (6-7 yrs old)
Tuesday Aug 14-Sept 11 (then a break for baby girl to come) Nov 6- Dec 11 5 pm for 50 minutes
This is the third semester of the 4 semester program. This curriculum includes learning a string instrument the Dulcimer. We continue to learn our staff notes and more musical concepts and contrasts. We continue to work with the glockenspiel as well. This class is 12 classes, books, CDs, games, dulcimer and carrying bag for $195.
I do have sibling discounts and friend referral discounts. And all these materials can be used again so you can pass them down to siblings as they come along :) Please let me know by August 7th so I can place our materials orders and have everything here to begin class. Thank you!