We just finished our Fall semester of Kindermusik for 2010. While I am super excited about the fun and creative curriculum coming up for our next semester starting in January, I am looking back with a little sadness as we had so much fun and learned so much together over the past 4 months. I think the first few classes were a little more challenging as we all learned the routine and what to expect but by the end of our classes I felt we had formed great friendships and created wonderful memories together.
This was our Family Time class on Friday mornings. The kids (and moms I think) loved these cute mirrors where we explored all the different shapes our mouths could make. There were a lot of giggles during this activity! Honestly, I think I was the most nervous for this class because there were adults involved. But it turned out to be one of my favorite hours of the week. I loved watching the little kids watch and learn from the big kids, I loved watching the big kids take ownership of teaching and being the example for the little kids, and I LOVED the giggles and thrills I got to witness between parents and children as we sang and played together.

Sometimes it is a lot of fun for the little kids (and big kids for that matter) to feel large and in charge. We had fun with stuffed animals and letting the kids 'teach' their animals legato and staccato movements. He is having so much fun!!

This was our Imagine That class. The assignment this week was to make their very own snowboots. Look at the creativity as Ali and her mom used tissue boxes and decorated them so cute! We practiced walking in the snow and balancing on one foot, then pretended to build snowman in the pretend snow. This age never ceased to amaze me with their imagination (probably why the class is called Imagine That!) and all the creative things they were always coming up with.

The assignment this week was to make a rain hat. I was so very impressed with the cozy hat, Ritz box, and cool helmet all made with the kiddos and their parents at home. They loved dancing in the rain and staying dry with their cool hats.

This class really got to be good friends and loved to visit with each other by the end of the semester. It was cute to watch them 'catch up' each week.

I love me some Kindermusik kids!
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