I'm so excited for my first published ad. The first 3 people to tell me where they find it win a free Kindermusik book for their kiddos! Leave a comment or email/call me when you find it!
I have always had music in my life, beginning with piano lessons at age 5. I was involved in many choirs in high school and college. I have also taught piano extensively for the past 8 years, both individually and in group-settings. I feel that music is a crucial element that encourages physical coordination, intellectual growth, builds self-confidence and inspires other developmental milestones. Early interactive skills and activities are the basis for a great foundation in all areas of your child's life. I took Kindermusik classes with my 2 youngest children and loved the time I had to focus on them and bond through musical activities through out the week. Music is a wonderful way to enjoy the world around us!
I have the add right here. It was in Saturday's mail on a "pizazz" mailer. katrinalehnardt@gmail.com