Friday, April 6, 2012

Sing and Sway your Summer Away

A child sings before it speaks, dances almost before it walks. Music is with us from the beginning.”-writer Pamela Brown

Summer is around the corner can you believe it! I always look forward to having my kids all to myself and a little lighter schedule and routine. But honestly I usually get a bit anxious too about how to entertain the troops for 3 months and still all be happy at the end of it :) Why not take a little break and add some music to your summer! I have many options for the family or for individual kids. Sibling discounts and referral discounts are available. Prices include all materials (books, CD's and instruments to keep at home) and classes. Sign up by May 15th and get $5 off the family class or ABC classes.

*Family Class: All kids under 7 and mom/dad: Zoo Train! For 6 fun filled weeks we will ride the Zoo Train and visit different animals each week. This class includes ASL, crafts and lots of giggles! Tuesdays at 10am June 12-July 17th $75.

*ABC Music and Me
Ages 3 and up-Drop off class (That's right moms you drop them off :)
Jumping Beans Tuesdays at 11-11:45am June 5-June 26th $50
Sounds Abound Tuesdays at 11-11:45am July 3-July 31st $50 (no class the 24th)

Ages 3 and up-Drop off class
Join the Parade Tues/Thurs 10-10:45am June 12 & June 14th $20
Picnic Day Thurs/Fri 10-10:45 am July 12 & 13th $20

Simply click on the purple ENROLL NOW button on the right :) To register for a playdate you can call or email me!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Benefits of Play

Play is a natural activity for children. The child a play is self-motivated and actively engaged. Whereas games are governed by rules, the value of play is that it provides freedom from evaluation and judgment. The freedom of a playful atmosphere fosters intellectual development as well as self-construction and the development of personality.

Tips for parents: There are many things we as parents can do to inspire play. Just making sure your child has lots of time for free play is an important first step. You might also want to look at the play areas – inside and outside – and ensure that they are safe and inviting. Finally, consider adding some very simple toys and props to the playroom – things like wooden blocks, cardboard boxes and tubes, blankets, dress-up clothes, etc. will all help your child make his imagination come alive through his play