Friday, March 11, 2011

Teaching the Whole Child

All learning, including music learning, is integrated. Kindermusik International has developed an integrated curriculum that builds on the children's interests and experiences and allows for individual learning styles and temperaments. Nothing happens in isolation; children use 'all systems' when they learn. Since children's development and learning are so highly interconnected, an integrated curriculum is the very best way we can teach the whole child.

All Kindermusik classes have integrated learning experiences within and across lessons. These experiences integrate the senses, learning domains, developmental needs and interests of the children. Developmental domains that are ex;pored and integrated are:

*Language-discussing & describing
*Cognitive-remembering, recognizing, pretending, imagining
*Musical-singing, being introduced to simple instruments and basic rhythm
*Physical-hearing, seeing visuals, moving, mirroring
*Emotional-expressing through music, movement and visual art; experiencing beauty through music, bonding with care givers
*Social-listening to others, waiting for a turn, ensemble experiences together

It is expected that each child will participate at different developmental levels and will be stronger in some areas than others. The integrated activities in Kindermusik provide points of entry for participation by all types of learners. Each child learns differently and each class provides unique opportunities for everyone to play and grow and learn the best way they can.

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